Welcome to the Prescott Fun Activities Group!

This Group is active, fun, and friendly!

You can meet new people and make new friends at our fun events. Our memberships consist of singles, couples, and families. We go hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, dining out, movies, bowling, skating, music/concerts and any other activity that members suggest! We try to be as inclusive as possible by offering all sorts of activities. If you want to do fun, active things, with a great group of people, then this group is for you.

This group is not a singles group or dating site

Be sure to go to the official website and click on "Join Us", and then you will receive access to the group calendar and email notifications whenever new events are added.

The official website is located here.

You can also find our Facebook page here

Please Like, Follow, and Share our posts to spread the word about our upcoming events.

Also, please visit our sponsor www.pckevin.com for your computer needs.

Full Moon Potluck and Kayaking at Watson Lake

Gold Panning at Lynx Lake


Age Group:
Everyone is welcome to join this group!

Our Calendar Events:

Every member is encouraged to suggest ideas for events.

At each event, there is an Event Host present.

All members are allowed and encouraged to be an event's Event Host.

Our meetups may be last minute ideas, or they may be planned for quite some time.

Part of this group's fun is that everyone is encouraged to suggest ideas for events, and as a result, we have a variety of events.

If there is an event coming to town...and it might be fun for this group...be sure to mention it.

Meetups are continually scheduled on our calendar, and email announcements are sent to you, so it is up to you to come out and have fun!

If you post an event on this site, please do not post it on other meetup sites. If there is an event on another site, please do not post it on this site. Occasionally, organizers from other groups and myself contact each other and then we will combine an event on multiple meetup groups, but this is only allowed at the organizer level.

Events posted on our calendar include the location, date, and time of the events. They should also include descriptions of what members may expect while attending a particular event, as well as directions, contact info, car pool options, or any restrictions for the event. Suggestions and comments by members are posted on that event's page. Please use these details to judge for yourself if a particular event is something that interests you. If you have any questions about a particular upcoming event, please feel free to email the host.

The Event Hosts should make it easy for members to find the event. The Event Host for each event has control over that event. They choose the details for the event, such as the meetup starting time and location. The Event Host has the "final word". If there are several options or choices, it may be hard to please everyone. Let's be sure to respect the Event Hosts, and know that they are volunteering.

Your Profile Photo:
We hope you upload a photo of yourself. It helps the members recognize each other at our meetups!

Children and Pets?
Children and Pets are welcome at most of our events. Check each event for the particular details. Some of our events have alcohol (e.g. the wine tastings) or may be at a casino.
For some ideas, we can create a group poll. If the idea is to go to the movies, we can set up a poll to see which movie we should see.

If you choose to RSVP "Yes" for an event, please follow through and show up. We all understand that "life happens", and that you may need to change your RSVP at the last minute. In that event, please try to contact your event host or organizer to let them know. Each event has an Event Host and they are available to call for this reason (or for directions to the meetup if you get lost). We're not too strict, but we want to start our hike or bike ride or bowling at the scheduled time, and it is not fair to have the group wait for someone to show up.
If we make reservations at a diner, it is nice to know how many people will actually be there. Please remember that the Organizers, Hosts, and Assistants of this group are volunteers. They do this for nothing more than acting on kindness and desire to help out and have fun. They put a lot of time and effort into setting up some of the events, and with that said, your RSVP will be greatly appreciated. Even if it is a "No", it lets the organizers know if you will or you will not be able to make it to an event. I will remove members that have several "No Shows".

Event Photos:
Be sure to take pictures at a meetup and upload them to the event's photo album so that others can see the fun. Click the "Add Photos" button.

Volunteer to be a Event Host!

Event Hosts
The group is currently seeking people who are interested in setting up and hosting group events. If this sounds like something that may interest you, please let us know. For some events, it is simply a matter of being there so others can find you and the rest of the group. If it is a movie meetup, the Event Host gets to pick the movie! For other events, the Event Host may need to put our sign up, answer calls from members who may be lost, light the grill, reserve a space, call ahead to get us a deal, turn on the lights, tell waitress "we're here!", etc. If you have organizational skills, or just love to be the host of a party, the group really needs you to volunteer!

What's NOT allowed?
No harassing other members.
No discrimination.
No illegal activities discussed on the site.
There is no "second chance" rule for these.

Here's a good rule to remember to keep this section brief: Behave!
Do not post anything that may be offensive to anyone. Do that on your own website and not on mine.

Be safe.
This group is for good, honest people choosing to meet up to have fun. But please remember that there can always be one bad apple in the bunch. Be careful and be safe. If you decide to host a party or potluck (or other event) at your home for this (or any) meetup group, be sure your valuables are secured, and don't automatically trust someone simply because they are in our group.

Liability Disclaimer
While we make every effort to ensure that our hikes and rides and trips and other events are safe, there is still an inherent risk of personal injury while biking, hiking, skating, etc. Prescott Fun Activity Group, Our Sponsors, other club members, or anyone representing the Prescott Fun Activity Group assume no responsibility for your safety while participating in an event with the group. All we do is provide an avenue for you to meet with others who share a common interest. You are responsible for yourself while attending a group event. By joining this group, you fully agree with these statements and furthermore you release any and all aforementioned parties mentioned in this statement from any claims of liability. Please be safe!

In short: By joining the Prescott Fun Activity Group and/or choosing to participate in an event, you are asserting that you understand the risks involved and that you are assuming responsibility for your own safety and well-being during the event.

Feel free to email/message me with any question, problems or concerns, or to just say Hi!

Kevin Mrotek - Organizer

Join us as we jump in the pool in Prescott Valley for the annual Polar Bear Splash the first Saturday of January

Polar Bear Splash

Our site sponsor: www.pckevin.com

Thanks for visiting and please click on PCKevin above.